If you’re looking for top quality Asian porn, you won’t find it here. Nor will you find any famous Japanese porn models. What you will find at Asian GF Sex is a collection of user submitted Chinese, Thai, Korean, and Japanese amateur movies and pictures. The site promise 100% REAL girlfriends, so if you’re looking to get revenge on your ex, this would be a perfect place to do it.
It’s apparent from the home page that these are genuine amateur flicks. They may not be HD, but the exclusivity of it all makes up for this. Since these movies are submitted by actual members of the site, the quality will vary from video to video. I’m usually nitpicky about poor quality, but for a site like this, it only adds to the whole “amateur” feel to it.
The members area isn’t very user friendly with screenshots spread out over many pages. These allow you to preview the flicks, but you’ll have to keep clicking as you go through it all. The design is rather unimaginative with orange and red dragons, but the innate beauty of these Amateur exhibitionists quickly make me forget that. To keep things simple, you have one option to download and one to stream.
Asian Gf Sex is an average sized site with 185 Asian amateur xxx videos and 293 photo galleries. Unlike other sites that allow users to upload content in different formast, this site kept it consistent with AVI format. You can stream and watch online in flash or download to your computer with rather poor video playback at only 320×240.
Bonus Sites
Signing up to the site comes with a great bonus. In total, your monthly membership comes with 11 bonus sites making it somewhat of a mega site. Most of the bonus content is centered around the “Amateur” and “Teen” theme, so if you like AsianGfSex, you will enjoy,, and, to name a few.
Monthly membership will set you back $29.95 which is standard for this kind of site. They also have 90 days full access for $59.95, which would then be $19.95/month. But if you still don’t want to commit, you can try it all out for $1. Since there are no download restrictions, you are free keep as many of the movies as you want for life.
If you like genuine amateur Asians, then you will appreciate Asian GF Sex. You get a good selection of amateur Japanese girls, and if you get bored of them, you can browse through Chinese, Vietname, Thai, and more. And although quality of both movies and pictures are sub par, the bonus sites give you a good selection of Amateur girlfriends. Who knows, you might even recognize one of these babes!
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